Thursday, November 19, 2009

JDizzle's Chapter 1 Quiz

6. The weatherman said the temperature in Atlanta,Georgia would reach the mid-seventies.

7. Dad told Kenny, Byron, and Joetta they were lucky not to be the children of one of Momma's old boyfriends named Hambone Henderson.

8. When she was about to laugh, Momma put her hand over her mouth because she had a big gap between her front teeth.

9. Which of the following was not a warning Moses Henderson gave Momma about Flint? It was colder than the inside of an icebox, and people lived in igloos.

10. Momma said life in Birmingham, even though it was not perfect, was slower, friendlier and people were most honest about the way they felt.

11. Since they couldn't contact their landlord about their cold apartment, the Watsons planned to spend the night with Aunt Cyndey.

12. The Brown Bomber was the Watsons' 1948 Plymouth.

13. Byron and Kenny were not happy when dad ordered them to scrape the ice off the car windows.

14. Kenney was agitated because Byron was not doing his share of the work.

15. The night before, Byron and his friend Buphead had broken a window

16. At first Kenny ignored Byron's calls because he

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